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July 18, 2007


One of my pet hates in this life is bureaucrats who see their existsnce and jobs as an end in themsleves. I have no problem with the need for bureaucrats - someone needs to take responsibility for delivering administration services and so on - used to be a bureaucrat myself ...

But there is a class of bureaucrat (all too common) that seems to think that they exist purely for the sake of their own existence - ie, they are less interested in doing their jobs that seeing that their importance is respected. Now, that becomes a problem because it means that their job is performed inadequately, if at all, and they seem devoted to finding reasons why things should not happen, rather than making things happen. This quote is dedicated to them:

"Bureaucrats are the cholesterol of society".

I got it from Malcolm, who runs Bun' Ber E. He says it's part of a much larger and more elaborate quote (probably written by a bureaucrat :-) but we like the short version. Says all there is to say, really.

Posted by Hughie at July 18, 2007 1:47 PM

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