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May 18, 2009

Go, Danger Mouse ...

Just found the great news via Techdirt (via Dubber): Danger Mouse is releasing his new album without any music on it. Of course, this was done before by Green Day, but DM has put a whole new spin on it.

First, the Album is about more than music. It's also about the collection of photos inspired by the music that come with the booklet. This is a true leap forward from an artist and shows what Trent Resnor has always known and what I have just realised is the key to my PhD thesis: the music is not important - it's only used to sell something else.

Second, this release method is a big fuck-you to EMI, who want to stop him from releasing the album. If DM can't release the music, he can release a container for music and let people fill the container with whatever music they wish. Very clever. Not sure how it will wash if push comes to legal shove, but it's a great idea. Incidentally, the music can be streamed from NPR.

Let me know where I can download a version ... please.

Posted by Hughie at May 18, 2009 12:07 PM

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